Attract more filming and manage it more safely and effectively.
Fast, efficient online application process and virtual workspaces to store documents and messages
Consult with other officials, residents' groups and stakeholders.
See up-to-date summaries and details of filming activity.
Easily issue invoices and track when payments are made.
No need for IT support or software upgrades.
The user-friendly interface shows all documents and email conversations in one virtual workspace. You can see the whole application at a glance and keep track of every detail of the application. The system includes reminders and alerts to keep you on schedule.
Using the messaging function you can share documents and information instantly with your colleagues in other departments or with other agencies or external stakeholders.
In addition, to stay on top of payments you can forward invoices to the correct contact and be sure they’ve been paid.
The reporting tools let you run your reports easily for monitoring your revenue and productivity.
Huntington Beach loves FilmApp. Not only does FilmApp allow for 24/7 support for film permit applicants, its software has allowed us to streamline our process. This helps us to complete more applications in a timely manner and has allowed us to market Huntington Beach as the most film friendly city in California!
City of Huntington Beach, CaliforniaIn FilmApp I can check on resident consultation, police notification, health and safety requirements and all the other issues involved, at a glance. Holding records centrally, like this, across all locations is fantastic.
Location Manager, UK