In FilmApp I can check on resident consultation, police notification, health and safety requirements and all the other issues involved, at a glance. Holding records centrally, like this, across all locations is fantastic.
Huntington Beach loves FilmApp. Not only does FilmApp allow for 24/7 support for film permit applicants, its software has allowed us to streamline our process. This helps us to complete more applications in a timely manner and has allowed us to market Huntington Beach as the most film friendly city in California!
In Kent, they have taken this one step further and used EventApp to unify their SAG groups way of working. Numerous people from multiple agencies are able to log in, view the relevant documents and contact the right people directly. Having recently taken over Safety Advisory Group responsibilities it’s great to be using EventApp as it brings all the varied elements into one place taking care of much of the organisation and co-ordination between partners.
EventApp has ensured that against a background of continuous transformation, Bristol continues to support and monitor over 450 event applications each year. It is easy to learn and to train others to use and quickly became essential. It has become central to our ability to communicate effectively with our stakeholders and customers, and to encourage a progress towards online applications.
Apply4’s EventApp and FilmApp has changed the way we permit events at the City of Roswell. This system has cut our permitting time in half and gives us the opportunity to work more closely with each organiser or production team that comes to the city. It is user friendly and makes communication between the organiser and city liaisons easy and effective.